Tia Dumas, from Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation, was hired as a Robotics Instructor with FPDI in fiscal year 2017-2018. Her passion and dedication during the one-year Robotics program lead to her being offered a position with FPDI as an Administrative Assistant. That is where her journey started and today she works with the Native Women’s Transition Centre as an Admin Assistant.
When Tia started her new position as a Robotics Instructor, things weren’t as simple – she had to initially encounter a lack of interest from students towards the program but this did not shake Tia’s confidence. Tia’s creativity allowed her to develop a thoughtful and creative approach with the students which resulted in generating student interest and engagement in the program. “We actually had the robots fight each other at the end of the program – in short, inducing learning through play. And that’s what really got them more engaged,” says Tia.
Tia loved sharing her passion for Robotics through teaching despite the challenges she faced. “And once they got the hang of it, I could see it, with their faces lit up with a smile,” she says. “It’s just a great feeling to see somebody take what you’re teaching them and really thrive from it.”
At the end of the program, she felt thankful that she could gather such a great teaching experience while being able to travel across various First Nation communities spreading knowledge and making resources accessible. “This was not possible without the financial support that I received from FPDI, “says Tia.
Tia’s resilience, dedication and positive attitude opened up another great opportunity for her which was the role of an Administrative Assistant with FPDI. Her previous experience in a similar role helped her immensely in excelling in this position. But learning and growing with FPDI did not stop; she was able to expand her skill-set through training programs and continued support.
As the term ended, her hard work paid off as she got offered yet another great opportunity in a similar capacity with the Native Women’s transition Centre which was close to her heart. “I get to see a lot of babies growing up and when I see mothers reuniting with their babies/children, it brings me so much joy. A woman getting her children back is one of the best things I get to experience at work,” says Tia.