Child Care Program

Funding is provided to First Nations daycares through the First Nations and Inuit Child Care Initiative (FNICCI). FNICCI funding is intended to support culturally appropriate, affordable, quality child care services.

FPDI supports 24 on-reserve First Nation Daycares. The Daycare centre staff work hard to provide their children, families and communities with high quality child care services. The program allows parents to pursue educational and career opportunities that might not have otherwise been possible. FPDI provides on going advice, support and yearly professional development for the 24 daycares.

A cultural project was developed in 2020. A children’s book was written about the importance of hand hygiene. The book is written in Ojibway and English. An order form is available below.

Daycare Activities

  • Provide a planned and structured environment for children
  • Ensure healthy meals and snacks for nourishment
  • Age appropriate activities: art expression, singing, physical activity
  • Encourage positive relationships among the children to cultivate self-esteem, respect for others, independence
  • Recognize the child’s need for comfort and care
  • Program enrichment to meet cultural, language and special needs
  • Working with Elders to provide cultural and language linkages
  • Parent committees to support the work of the daycares and to play an active role in their child’s learning experience


Program Goal

To increase access and quality of Early Learning and Child Care services and supports for Indigenous children and families.